Bridging Generations: Pathways to a Youth-Inclusive Climate, Peace and Security Agenda

Bridging Generations: Pathways to a Youth-Inclusive Climate, Peace and Security Agenda
February 21, 2025
Over 698 million young people, ages 15-35, live in fragile and conflict-affected settings. These settings are highly affected by climate change. Young people find themselves in unique positions - they are the most vulnerable to climate, conflict and insecurity, yet they also hold the key as critical actors who can drive change.
This policy paper explores early findings from how UNDP's Climate, Peace, and Security (CPS) policy and programming engages youth, fosters inclusion, and promotes youth empowerment.
The paper examines potential gaps, challenges, and opportunities, offering early recommendations for improving the integration of youth-sensitive, responsive, and inclusive approaches to CPS.
Read full article: Bridging Generations: Pathways to a Youth-Inclusive Climate
Disclaimer: Third-Party Content
This article was originally published by Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and Responsive Institutions Team (CPPRI) at UNDP's Crisis Bureau, with Anab Ovidie Grand, Policy Analyst - Climate and Security Risk, as lead author, under the guidance of Catherine Wong, Team Leader - Climate and Security Risk. The author is grateful to Benjamin Basmaci, Desislava Kyurkchieva, Gabriela Nones, Judith de Guzman, Julia Mazuranic, Kiduo Mwamnyenyelwa, Martti Karttunen, Mohamoud Khadar, Nora Isayan, Nurudeen-Bashar Saleh, Dieudonne Pascal Alda Yaka, Serena Arcone, Serge Ndjekouneyom, Simon Dennett, Tarik-ul-Islam, Tomokazu Serizawa and Walid Ali for their participation in interviews, Ardy Nugraha, Asabi Rawlins and Azheen Mustafa for their valuable research assistance and inputs in the start of the project, to Giulia Jacovella, Kiri Ginnerup and Pauline Deneufbourg from the UNDP Youth Team for their invaluable inputs into the policy paper and to Adam Forbes, Isabella Caravaggio, Johnson Nkem and Raquel Leandro and for their comments and suggestions provided in the peer review process. All rights remain with the original author(s)/publisher. The views expressed are theirs and do not reflect those of RYCO and the granting authority.
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