Youth, Peace and Security: Fostering Youth-Inclusive Political Processes


Youth, Peace and Security: Fostering Youth-Inclusive Political Processes

Youth, Peace and Security: Fostering Youth-Inclusive Political Processes

February 21, 2025

Currently, our world is home to 1.8 billion young individuals (between the ages of 10 and 24 years old). The lack of meaningful engagement of young people in political processes, for any reason, negatively impacts not only them but also our broader communities. Despite their demographic importance, many young people still encounter barriers and challenges when trying to engage in political and civic activities.

This Guide aims to serve as a comprehensive resource for practitioners and experts devoted to advancing the Youth, Peace and Security agenda, with an emphasis on young people's participation.

It identifies opportunities and challenges with regards to political participation of young people and provides insights on potential barriers to their ability to meaningfully engage in the political and civic spheres. Illustrated with inspiring examples and case studies from across the world, the Guide includes specific recommendations to foster youth-inclusive political processes and facilitate this meaningful engagement.

The Guide was developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as a co-chair of the Task Force on Youth in Politics in the Global Coalition on Youth, Peace and Security. It is the result of a participatory process, including a desk review, interviews with experts and practitioners, and regular consultations with the members of the Task Force on Youth in Politics.

Read full article: Youth, Peace and Security: Fostering Youth-Inclusive Political Processes

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